
"Mother" Wife of Amen of Uaset, Mut is depicted as a woman wearing the Double-Crown of Kemet's rulers. She was also sometimes given the head of a lioness and associated with both Sekhmet and Mertseger. At Karnak, Mut's great temple (now known as the Temple of Luxor, but in antiquity called Ipet-isut, or "the southern harem,") housed the great statues and sacred processional boat which went out once per year to make the trek up the canal to the Great Temple of Amen at Karnak, and would also receive Amen's statue and boat once per year during the Opet festival, celebrated to coincide with the Kemetic New Year. Mut's name can also mean "death" or "vulture," and so She was also given some of the attributes of Mertseger (the lion/vulture Netjer of the Valley of the Kings) and of Nekhbet (the vulture-Netjer protectress of Upper Kemet, of which Uaset was the capital). Beyond Her associations with Amen, Mut is not a very well-known Name but often is given similar attributes to Het-hert as patroness of women (especially mothers, as Her name implies), or of Sekhmet as a protectress of the innocent and a righter of wrongs.