Summer 2013: Central PA Dinner and Fellowship

In late June of 2013, I had my first opportunity to meet up with members of the House of Netjer in person (outside of the two friends who originally introduced me to Kemetic Orthodoxy!) Taji and Mose happened to be traveling to visit Taqai at her home in Central Pennsylvania, and they all invited me to tag along. After a gorgeous two hour drive up from Maryland, I arrived at Taqai’s place and the four of us headed out to dinner at Dodge City Steakhouse (as featured on Restaurant: Impossible!)

The hilarious sign out front: a good taste of the character of the place! (Photo credit: Tasedjebbastmut)

Our entrees were amazing, and the conversation even better, as we chatted about everything from athletic endeavors as a form of offering to juggling one’s professional life and one’s spiritual life. I fear I probably sounded like a broken record with how many times I expressed my joy at finally being able to chat about my spirituality with other House members face-to-face, but this was met only with grins and understanding.

We went ahead and ordered dessert (possibly the best cheesecake of my life!) and then headed back to Taqai’s house for further conversation. She showed us her extensive collection of Kemetic imagery and statuary, which drew a fair amount of oohing and aahing, and also inspired several stories about how she had acquired certain items. We chatted about divinatory practices a little bit as well, discussing the Kemetic Orthodox fedw and other ways the gods connected with us. This progressed to a conversation about how we perceived our respective Parent(s); as a daughter of Set and Bast, having the opportunity to chat about how Taji related to Bast-Mut, and how Taqai related to Set, was particularly fascinating for me.

Mose headed home that evening, while Taji and I stayed the night and shared breakfast with Taqai and her partner the next morning before moving on. All in all, it was a wonderful day of fellowship and I felt very grateful for the opportunity!
